Writing Exercise #7

What to improve on in my draft for my short story:

I think one of my main takeaways from my meeting was that I needed a clearer story. I oftentimes get distracted by multiple storylines and want to include lots of details, but in a short story that just doesn't make sense. We talked about having to choose between my characters struggle focusing on her romantic relationships or her desire to be a writer. I am definitely taking this into account when I edit my draft. I also want to tighten up the language and check for clunky sentences. Additionally, I want to make sure that I am including enough details about London especially. I need to add a bit more about setting and really hone in on why it is important to my character. 

My professor also noted that I could add a bit of a ghost story element to my blog, and perhaps add an after death part. I definitely am intrigued by this idea and am really interested in working with it. 

Here are some points I am going to work on: 

  • More about london 

  • Choosing a clear struggle 

  • Adding possible after death story 

  • Adding to talking about the bird lady character 

  • Checking for long sentences and unnecessary words


Regents St Cinema Napoleon review 


Writing Exercise #6